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Don't you Want a Sausage Frittata
Don't you Want a Sausage Frittata 1

Don't you Want a Sausage Frittata

Products Used: MorningStar Farms® Veggie Original Sausage Patties CN
Servings: 50


Recipe Directions

1. Preheat oven to 375°F. Whisk eggs, milk, sage, rosemary, and Morningstar Farms® Veggie Breakfast Sausage Patties - CN Label together.
2. Spray a medium ovenproof skillet with cooking spray. Add oil and heat over medium-high heat. Add onion; sauté until soft, about 6 minutes. Reduce heat to low. Stir in egg mixture. Spoon dollops of sour cream evenly over and mix.
3. Cook until frittata begins to set, about 2 minutes. Place in oven; bake until just set, 7-9 minutes
4. Divide evenly on to 50 plates and serve.