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Macaroni and Cheese with Cheez-It®
Macaroni and Cheese with Cheez-It® 1

Macaroni and Cheese with Cheez-It®

Products Used: Cheez-It® Crackers Made With Whole Grain
Servings: 24


Recipe Directions

1. Preheat convection oven to 325° F.
2. Combine cheese sauce and water in deep half-sized steam table pan and mix with wire wisk.
3. Add pasta to sauce and combine.
4. Cover with foil and bake in 325° F oven for 30 minutes.
5. Remove from oven and stir well.
6. Cover and return to oven for 15-20 minutes or until sauce reaches an internal temperature of 165° F or higher and pasta is cooked.
7. Hold outside of temperature danger zone until service.
8. Portion 6 ounces of entrée onto tray or in clamshell and serve with 1 bag of Cheez-It® on the side.